Women Democratic Front held a two-day socialist-feminist political school with the purpose of deepening the understanding of the oppressive economic and social structures and the socialist-feminist organizing methods. Members of WDF from various units across the country self-funded to participate in the school.
The event started with the paper presented by Aimen Bucha titiled ” The struggles of Feminist Politics” which was discussed by WDF secretary information Tooba Syed and meber WDF and philosophy professor Samina Afridi of WDF KP, the session included a discussion on the history of feminism in the global south and the contemporary feminist politics in the world particularly Pakistan. Sidra Kamran, member WDF and a PhD scholar at the New school wrote a paper on ” Capitalism and the State – a socialist-feminist analysis” , which was discussed by member WDF and gender studies professor Alia Amirali and Dr Saba Gul Khattak. Dr. Khattak’s research revolve around the political economy of development, feminist and political theory with special emphasis on state theory. Dr. Farzana Bari discussed the paper written by Sara Attique. The school was held for the political education of the members of the organisation. Papers were presented by members of the organisation and discussed. The members discussed the building of a socialist-feminist politics in the age of neo-liberalism and growing right-wing fascism.
The school was concluded by President WDF, Ismat Shahjahan who said that the purpose of the school is to build our own pedagogy and knowledge. She also thanked all the members for traveling from across the country for the school. Secretary General WDF Alya Bakhshal also thanked the women for attending the school and said that member of wdf will build their own curriculum and write their own literature in local languages to build an alternative critical educational system for its members and women at large. This will enable the members to produce theory based on praxis, essential to political organizing.
The school ended with an art and cultural program in which members and artists including Zainab Dar performed.
The members pledged to continue their commitment towards feminist political education to provide an alternative to the existing anti-women and pro-capital literature