Press release: 05.10.2020 Islamabad

We, at Women Democratic Front, are extremely saddened and disturbed by the news of the murder of academic and teacher Professor Naeem-ud-Din Khattak. We extend our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Professor Naeem-ud-din. According to the family, he was on his way back from his college when two men on a bike opened fire at him. He has been reported to die on the spot due to the bullet shots.
Professor Naeem-ud-din Khattak was a 56 year old PhD scholar who taught at Superior College. He is also the brother of AWP KP President Shahab Khattak and the uncle of our member Nargis Afsheen Khattak. While we mourn the loss with his family and friends, we also feel that the impunity which killers and murderers get away with in this country needs to be brought to an end. Time and again, we witness target killings of professors, doctors, activists and political workers related to faith and dissent.
We believe that the continuation of such killings are evidence of the state’s failure in protecting and ensuring safety of its citizens. We demand that the killers of Prof Naeem should be caught immediately and held accountable. We also demand that the state ensure safety of the family of the professor immediately.
Issued by
Secretary Information & Publishing WDF
Tooba Syed